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Oil Solutions Step 1 and 2 - 5 Gallon Bucket (Cleans Oil Spill on Water or Hard Surfaces)
Item Number: OSS5GAL
Manufacturer: Oil Solutions
Manufacturer Part No: OSS5GAL
* Whole number only
Oil Solutions Step 1 and 2
Oil Solutions Step 1 and 2 - 5 Gallon Bucket
Oil Solutions 100% comprehensive oil clean up, Removes
the smell and stain of oil on contact.
Oil Solutions Step 1 / Step 2 is a unique absorbent that
remediates and cleans up hydrocarbon spills from hard surfaces and soils.
Through a patented microencapsulation process, the hazardous characteristics of
the waste such as ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity and toxicity, are
quickly eliminated. Upon contact the odor of the waste and the stain left behind
are also eliminated. This two-part solution rapidly absorbs, emulsifies, and
binds spilled materials into a solid, inert, stable white powder. The resulting
silica (sand) matrix is resistant to water leaching and effectively locks the
hazardous components into a stable, environmentally-safe residue.
Works on: The technology is
flexible and can be used to treat a large variety of contaminants ranging from
heavy oils and sludge to light fuels and solvents
• Gasoline |
• Diesel |
• Automotive Fluids |
• Crude Oil |
• Jet Fuel |
• Hydraulic Fluids |
• Kerosene |
• Motor Oils |
• Paints & Solvents |
And removes waste from:
• Concrete |
• Metal |
• Painted Surfaces |
• Soil |
• Rock |
• Paneling |
• Wood |
• Vinyl Siding |
• Plants and
Grass |
The “Green” Benefits:
Compared to existing methods, like polypropylene booms, absorbent pads or clay,
which remain hazardous after use, greater savings and environmental
consciousness can be realized in hazardous waste handling and disposal due to
the non-hazardous nature of the resulting microencapsulated Oil Solutions
residue. Oil Solutions additives reduce the total amount of solid wastes and
treat the hazards at the scene instead of just mopping it up, packaging it up,
and passing on a risk for someone else to deal with.
A Fast and Effective Two-Step Process
STEP 1: The Oil Solutions Step 1 Additive is a non-hazardous
liquid formulated with a strong affinity for hydrocarbons and reacts within
seconds when applied to a spill.
STEP 2: The Oil Solutions Step 2 Additive is also a
non-hazardous liquid that is applied as a curing agent immediately following
application of Oil Solutions Step 1 creating a solid residue.
Proven Results
The hydrocarbon is trapped (microencapsulated) into a solid silica matrix.
By-products are 40-45% (by volume) solid silica residue and 55-60% water. Both
the solid residue and the water achieve neutral pH. Residue is non-leachable,
non-extractable and does not retain any of the encapsulated hydrocarbon
TPH Analysis Results Eliminate the Risk of Hazardous Waste Handling with a True
On-Site Remediation Solution The Oil Solution Additives are superior to solid
absorbent solutions such as clay (Fuller’s Earth), silica, cellulose, corncobs,
and polypropylene that require additional handling and add to the volume of
hazardous materials. Compared to existing methods, significant cost savings can
be realized and risks reduced in waste handling and disposal due to the
non-hazardous nature of the resulting microencapsulated residue. Depending on
the application,
Instructions for Use
Pour of Spray Oil Solutions STEP 1 on any kind of hydrocarbon spill; use a 1:1
ratio. Once entire spill is in contact with Step 1, apply Oil Solutions STEP 2.
The original spill is now permanently encapsulated in the OIL SOLUTIONS patented
“green” technology.
The end product quickly turns into a solid, non-hazardous white silica (sand)
dust. This end product may remain on the spill site and potentially eliminate
further clean-up or remediation costs or it can be easily swept away and
disposed of. The microencapsulated residue is resistant to water penetration and
leaching, and offeres impressive long-term stability.