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Green Stuff
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Eco-Tec Inc
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Heritage Labs Green
Gateway Safety
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Oil Solutions
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• X-Tex
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Green Stuff Absorbents
BioRemedial Maintenance
Ground Water Sampling
Material Handling
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Rolloff Dumpster Rentals
Safety Signs & Labels
Secondary Containment
Spill Kits
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Green State Services
Shopping (continued)
Absorbents (continued)
• Oil Only (continued)
White Oil Only Bonded Heavy Weight Pads, 15"x17", 100/cs
White Oil Only Bonded Light Weight Pads, 15"x17", 200/cs
White Oil Only Bonded Medium Weight Pads, 15"x17", 100/cs
White Oil Only Meltblown Pads Heavy Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
White Oil Only Meltblown Pads Light Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
White Oil Only Meltblown Pads Medium Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
X-Tex Absorbent Roll, 60"W x 250'L
X-Tex Loose Fill Oil Absorbent Booms - 5 1/2" dia. x 10' L
X-Tex Loose Fill Oil Absorbent Booms with Microbes - 5 1/2" dia. x 10' L
X-Tex Oil Absorbent Boom - 5 1/2" dia. x 50' L with 18" Double Flap
X-Tex Oil Absorbent Boom - 5 1/2" dia. x 50' L with 8" Flap
X-Tex Oil Absorbent Boom, with Microbes - 5 1/2" dia. x 50' L with 18" Double Flap
X-Tex Oil Absorbent Boom, with Microbes - 5 1/2" dia. x 50' L with 8" Flap
X-Tex Oil Blanket Kit - Surf Model, 10' x 5' (includes tethers and anchors)
X-Tex Oil Blanket Kit, with Microbes - Surf Model, 10' x 5' (includes tethers and anchors)
X-Tex Oil Blanket - Surf Model, 10' x 5' (blanket replacement)
X-Tex Oil Blanket, with Microbes - Surf Model, 10' x 5' (blanket replacement)
Oil Only Spill Kit (20 Gallon)
General Purpose Sorbent Socks, 3"x48", 30/cs
General Purpose Sorbent Socks, 3"x48", 40/cs
General Purpose Sorbent Socks, 3"x8', 20/cs
Universal Truck Spill Kit
Gray Universal Bonded Pads Heavy Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Gray Universal Bonded Pads Light Weight, 15"x17", 200/cs
Gray Universal Bonded Pads Medium Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Bonded Pads Heavy Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Bonded Pads Light Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Bonded Pads Medium Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Fine Fiber Pads Heavy Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Fine Fiber Pads Light Weight, 15"x17", 200/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Fine Fiber Pads Medium Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Laminated Pads Heavy Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Hazmat Chemical Laminated Pads Light Weight, 15"x17", 200/cs
Shopping (continued)
Absorbents (continued)
Green Hazmat Chemical Laminated Pads Medium Weight, 15"x17", 100/cs
Green Stuff Absorbents - 1.2 m/4ft. sock
Green Stuff Absorbents - 12"x 12" pillow
Green Stuff Absorbents - 1.0 cu. ft. Case (2 Bales)
Green Stuff Absorbents - .25 cu. ft. Case (8 Bags)
Green Stuff Absorbents - 5 gal. bucket loose fill
Green Stuff Absorbents - 1lbs Bottle Case (4 bottles)
Green Stuff Absorbents - 24"x 36" pillow
Green Stuff Absorbents - 3m/10ft. sock
Green Stuff Absorbents - 44 lb.Refill box
Green Stuff Absorbents - 55 Gallon Spill Kit
Green Stuff Absorbents - 5"x 8' sock
Green Stuff Absorbents - 6m/20ft. sock
Green Stuff Absorbents - Bag Spill Kit
Green Stuff Absorbents - Bucket Spill Kit
Green Stuff Absorbents - EMS Bottle
Green Stuff Absorbents - Oil Only (Marine)
Green Stuff Absorbents - Super Sack
Hazmat Absorbent Pillows, 18"x18"x2", 16/cs
Hazmat Absorbent Pillows, 9"x9"x2", 32/cs
Hazmat Sorbent Heavy Weight Bonded Roll 1/cs
Hazmat Sorbent Medium Weight Bonded Roll 1/cs
Universal Hazmat Aggressive Spill Kit (5 Gallon)
Universal Hazmat Aggressive Spill Kit (95 Gallon)
MOP Oil Only Absorbent (20 lbs bag)
MOP Oil Only Absorbent w/ Microbes (20 lbs bag)
MOP Oil Only Absorbent (5 lbs bag)
MOP Oil Only Absorbent w/ Microbes (5 lbs bag)
Oil Dri Granuilar Absorbent 40 lbs Poly Bag (I06040-G50)
Oil Only Absorbent Bilge Booms (Polypropylene), 8" x 18', 10 count (SPC818, SPC-818, SPC 818)
Oil Only Absorbent Boom, 5" X 10', 4 Per Bale - Pallet Special, Free Shipping
Oil Only Absorbent Boom (Polypropylene) Case, 5"x20', 2/cs
Oil Only Absorbent Boom (Polypropylene) Case, 8"x10', 4/cs
Oil Only Absorbent Boom (Polypropylene) Case, 8"x20', 2/cs
Oil Only Absorbent Booms (Polypropylene), 5" x 10', 2 count (SPC5510, SPC-5510, SPC 5510)
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Green State Services specializes in absorbent products,
absorbent mats
oil absorbent pads
absorbent socs
spill control products
spill kits
chemical absorbents
universal absorbents
oil spill kits
spill containment pallets
containment pallets
containment berms
stormwater management products,
storm drain protection
stormwater filtration
oil absorbent boom
oil booms
drum liners
drum handling equipment
clear-view disposable bailers
clear view teflon disposable bailers
environmental sampling products
green stuff absorbents
bio remedial products
x-tex absorbents
roll off liners
workplace safety
industrial safety products
safety products
roll off dumpsters
© 2025Green State Services